Piroplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of the disease

Home Services Piroplasmosis in dogs

Piroplasmosis is an extremely serious blood-parasitic disease that is transmitted through the bites of ixodid ticks. The active period of the disease spread falls on the warm season, from early spring to the last months of autumn.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect and remove a tick from your pet's fur in time. Most owners notice the bloodsucker only upon arrival home, when it has already managed to bite into the skin. When biting, the tick's saliva mixes with the pet's blood. Through it, babesia, which are the causative agents of the disease, enter the animal's body.
If you find a tick attached to your dog, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic for emergency help. This will not only alleviate the course of the disease, but also prevent a fatal outcome. At the veterinary clinic "Friend" you can undergo a full examination for babesiosis.

Where do ticks live? Many people believe that ticks are found only in parks, forests, and squares with dense vegetation. However, you can pick up a bloodsucker even in yards. According to statistics, ticks that carry piroplasmosis live mainly in places where a large number of dogs live. Therefore, be careful during walks. When you come home, always inspect your pet for ticks. They often attach themselves to areas where the skin is more delicate and thin: chest, stomach, ears, or neck.

Clinical picture of piroplasmosis The incubation period is individual for each pet. Its duration is influenced by the following factors:

• the presence of vaccinations or the use of other protective drugs,

• breed and age of your pet,

• immune status,

• strain and number of parasites,

which have penetrated the hematopoietic system.

Primary symptoms appear after 30-48 hours. The course of the disease may vary depending on the case.
Acute piroplasmosis usually occurs in dogs that have not suffered from it before. A characteristic symptom is an elevated body temperature (about 42 degrees). If the indicators have decreased, but the pet remains lethargic, refuses to eat and does not show the same activity, you need to seek help. These symptoms indicate the latent period, which is fraught with the onset of a more dangerous stage of the disease.

The clinical picture of acute piroplasmosis is as follows:

• the pet has no appetite,
• absence of external reactions,
• rapid breathing and shortness of breath,
• irregular heartbeat,
• yellowing of the mucous membrane of the eyes and mouth.

Also, in the acute course of the disease, the level of hemoglobin in the dog's urine becomes higher, due to which its color acquires a dark brown or even black shade. Chronic piroplasmosis occurs in pets with strong immunity or a previous illness. The following symptoms are observed:

• constant fatigue and passivity,
• lack of appetite,
• increase in temperature (usually lasts for several days),
• high probability of bowel disturbance.

If symptoms are detected, do not hesitate. It is better to immediately contact a veterinarian for consultation and examination. If the disease is neglected, complications or even death may occur. Why is it important to treat piroplasmosis in a timely manner?
Piroplasmosis is an insidious disease. Symptoms do not appear immediately. The incubation period lasts from several days to 2-3 weeks.
If treatment is not started in time, the pet's health will rapidly deteriorate, and the disease will affect the liver and kidneys.
Important! According to statistics, advanced piroplasmosis without timely treatment leads to death in 98% of clinical cases.

The disease develops quite quickly, every hour counts. If you have detected any symptoms, we recommend that you act as follows.
1. Contact a veterinary clinic to have a blood test for piroplasmosis. The clinical picture is similar to other diseases (jaundice and viral hepatitis), so they should be excluded.
2. Test results may be negative even if babesia is present in the blood. Therefore, it is better to take a PCR test for more accurate information.
3. If your pet is in critical condition, you should take it to the clinic. The veterinarian will administer a cleansing drip and an injection for piroplasmosis. Then your pet will undergo the necessary set of procedures to improve its condition. At the doctor's discretion, it may be necessary to submit samples for analysis.
4. If the test results confirm the diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe special medications and a course of treatment.

Why is self-treatment of piroplasmosis dangerous?

The basis of piroplasmosis treatment is special injections that destroy parasites in the pet's blood. However, any drug has a toxic effect on the dog's body. Therefore, under no circumstances should you administer medications yourself until the diagnosis is confirmed. Otherwise, irreversible complications may arise, including the loss of your pet. Treatment of piroplasmosis consists of two stages.

1. Diagnostics:

This includes collecting symptoms, epizootic data (presence of a bloodsucker on the skin) and laboratory diagnostics (blood smear and urine analysis).
2. Treatment:

The veterinarian first destroys the pathogen using special drugs.
Next, it is necessary to detoxify and take care of the body's recovery. Medicines for the cardiovascular system, vitamins and saline solutions are prescribed. Preventive measures To protect your pet from ticks, it is recommended to use insectoacaricidal drugs. They are sold in the form of aerosols, drops, collars, hygiene products and tablets. Vaccination against piroplasmosis also works well. These products will not provide full protection, but will reduce the risk of the disease and alleviate its course, preventing serious consequences.

Name of veterinary services
(Prices for procedures do not include medications and consumables)
Price per service
Peripheral blood smears, venous blood in a tube with EDTA400
Express analysis for piroplasmosis400

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