Ветеринарная клиника «Друг»

Vet clinic


Many residents of Tula and the region nowadays have pets and take care of their health. If your pets need qualified veterinary care, contact our veterinary clinic.


Why us?


Many years of experience

We worked with different situations, from simple diagnostics to complex surgery.


The best specialists

Our specialists constantly undergo certification and certification, as well as advanced training in their field.


Love for pets

We understand how important it is to be a true friend to your pet.

The realities of the concrete jungle force us to act accordingly.

Even in the most difficult conditions, pets fill our souls with joy and light, because they love us for who we are.

The love and loyalty of a cute fluffy does not depend on what we have or what position we hold. They joyfully greet us after a hard day, charging us with their natural energy and animal optimism.

 “We are responsible for those we have tamed” is a famous quote from the allegorical story of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Of course, those of us whom life has blessed with the presence of cheerful furry pets are obliged to create decent conditions for them and surround them with care.


It is important to know

For every responsible owner

The clinic is equipped with the latest modern technology, thanks to which even in the most difficult cases a correct diagnosis is made and effective treatment is carried out.

We invite representatives of our fauna and their owners to undergo a preventive examination and, if necessary, take measures in advance to maintain good health.

Our veterinary clinic employs veterinarians who regularly improve their qualifications and collaborate with leading specialized veterinary specialists. We employ dedicated doctors whose goal is to provide high-quality diagnostics and timely provision of necessary assistance to animals, including those in serious condition.

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We had pets
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We treat pets
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Regular customers


What do our clients say?

“The best clinic in our city! Once again I am convinced of this. Oksana Viktorovna is a doctor from God! Once again I saved one of our pets from death. There were other city clinics in our lives, but all these trips to the “left” did not lead to anything good. And now for more than 7 years only Friend. Wonderful doctor! The first and only one who gave us the correct diagnosis, the first one who cured us, the first one who remembers all his dogs))))) Great attitude towards dogs and cats! Even wildly frightened animals calm down next to him) He talks to them and it seems that not only they understand him, but he understands them too)))) The reviews from our friends are extremely positive. You fully justify your title Friend.”

Veterinary clinic "Friend"

Our services

Timely diagnosis of the problems that are bothering your little friend is the right approach to caring for him!


Tests for cats and dogs

Our mission

Our main goal is the health and longevity of our four-legged friends. Modern medical equipment, the best medicines and professional doctors - our clinic has everything necessary for effective treatment of pets.

If you think something is bothering your pet, please contact us. We will help!